Department News,Student News,Uncategorized,Undergraduate Work

Meet the Professor: Sarah Ellis

28 Sep , 2020  

We are honored to introduce our new Printmaking professor, Sarah Ellis, and excited to have her here at JSU!


Sarah Ellis earned a BFA with a concentration in Printmaking from the University of Akron in 2014. She then attended the University of North Texas and received her MFA with a concentration in Printmaking in 2018. Following graduation, Sarah began a position at Murray State University as an Adjunct Professor of Art & Design. She served on the SGC International Executive Board for four consecutive years, fulfilling the roles of Student Representative (2016 – 2018) and Secretary (2018 – 2020). She is now the Assistant Professor of Printmaking at Jacksonville State University where she maintains an active CV including national and international exhibitions, publications, curatorial work, and academic conference presentations. 

To see more of Sarah’s work, visit .